16. 12. 2012. u 16.30 sati - Seniorenheim - Burgau
22. 12. 2012. u 16.00 sati - St. Johann - Neu-Ulm
23. 12. 2012. u 14 sati - St. Ulrich - Nersingen.
Ustat ću i poći k svome ocu i reći mu: «Oce, sagriješih protiv Neba i pred tobom!» (Lk 15, 18)
Svaka je ispovijed...
Posjet_Isusu_vjeronauk_poucna_prica_molitva.pps (891,5 kB)
Moj Bog
Našao sam ga i On je našao mene
moj Bog koji me voli
Našli smo se tražeći jedan drugog.
I našao sam ga u sebi
jer živi u meni za me
I ja se u njemu radujem
Od iskona bili smo skupa
i do konca bit će mi...
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Our new website has been launched today.
Tell your visitors why you have started a new presentation and how it benefits them. Mention your goals and project advantages. Try to briefly give your visitors reasons why they should return to your pages.
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